
Showing posts from September, 2016

Your Freedom Song

My little songbird, Riley Grace, is a magnet when it comes to music. She can hear a song once and pick up the tune and lyrics immediately (Side note: which really causes me to evaluate the music I listen to and let her little ears hear!). When the song plays again (because she often asks for a particular new favorite song to be on ‘repeat’), she already knows it! She absolutely loves music. She sings in the car, around the house, at school, outside, walking to the mailbox, in the bathtub, in her bed while she’s supposed to be sleeping … literally everywhere. She plays with her toy music set and sings in her “Frozen” microphone all day long. The majority of what she says in conversation (or talking to herself throughout her day) turns into a song with a familiar tune and made up words. I love that she loves music because I love music. But, I will admit, that some of the songs she asks to be put on repeat get a little old after the 50 th time that day. J About a month ago, I was i...