When Dirty Dishes are Appealing, We Have a Problem
Happy Monday! J I know those are two words that usually don’t end up in consecutive order because many of us are not very happy about Mondays, especially Monday mornings, but I do hope that you have a happy Monday. My Monday began a little different than most workdays. I have recently started tutoring through an online program in the wee hours of the morning, so many of my mornings begin with tutoring. This morning, I only had one tutoring session, so I had about an hour to myself before Riley Grace woke up. This rarely happens. She is usually by my bedside bright and early telling me she’s ready for her oatmeal! But this morning, I had a whole hour to myself! (I know some moms out there are angry and jealous right now for my hour of alone time! Even with only one child, it rarely happens! I know many of you don’t ever have a moment without someone needing you. It’s precious and fulfilling, but also exhausting.) So, what was I going to do with that hour??? My first ...