
Showing posts from August, 2017

Sharp Legs, Big Teeth, and Boo Boos - Oh My!

Happy Friday! :-) I hope you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to begin your day with the Lord, relying on His strength and grace for every choice you’ll make today, including the choice to begin your day with Him! When I woke up this morning, I remembered three comments from my students (ages 3-5) from yesterday. Here are their observations of me… “Mrs. Jacquelyn, you have really big teeth!” “Mrs. Jacquelyn, your legs are sharp! Ouch! Why are they so sharp?” “Mrs. Jacquelyn, why do you have boo boos on your face? Is it like freckles? Do they hurt?” So, not the most flattering of observations, but definitely the most honest! ;-) As a teacher or mother of young children, you have to learn to let these comments roll off of your shoulders. My lovely kiddos don’t have filters yet, and they like to say whatever they observe, whether it’s pointing out my buck teeth (you should have seen me pre-braces! – apparently “small” teeth are better ;-) ), sharp legs (which b...