The Best Kind of Overwhelmed
If you are a
mother, I’m sure you have moments when you wonder how you could love your child
your child so much. Tonight, I had a long strand of those moments as I was
cradling Riley Grace in my arms while she slept. I was overwhelmed with just
how much I love her and how I would do anything for her. I was overwhelmed with
why in the world God entrusted her to Patrick and me. I was overwhelmed with
how much God has used her to bless us, change us, and challenge us. I was
overwhelmed with thankfulness that God planned her to be a part of our family
even when we thought it wasn’t our plan! Our poor baby has been sick all week
with a cold and fever, and she is miserable. Today after work, all she wanted
to do was nap on me until bedtime. Although I hate for her to be sick, I was
relishing the sweet moments of cuddling because, if you know Riley Grace, you
know that she rarely wants to cuddle because she’s always on the go! As she was
laying on me with a cool rag on her neck to hopefully reduce the fever and give
her some relief, I began praying for her to be healed and be able to rest. As I
was praying and feeling so in love, I began thinking that the love I have for
her as a mother is nothing compared to the love the Father has for us. The familiar
song, “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” popped into my head as I was looking
at her sweet face. Read it prayerfully, and be reminded and overwhelmed of what
the Father did because He loves YOU.
deep the Father’s love for us, how vast beyond all measure that He should give
His only Son to make a wretch his treasure?
great the pain of searing loss! The Father turns His face away as wounds which
mar the chosen One bring many sons to glory.
the Man upon a cross, my sin upon His shoulders. Ashamed I hear my mocking
voice call out among the scoffers.
was my sin that left Him there until it was accomplished.
dying breath has brought me life; I know that it is finished.
will not boast in anything, no gifts, no power, no wisdom, but I will boast in
Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection.
should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer. But this I know with
all my heart: His wounds have paid my ransom.
This song is a precious reminder of how deeply the Father loves us. Can you
imagine allowing your child to experience pain on purpose? Can you imagine your
child asking for you to take away the pain, and you deciding not to take it
away because you had a purpose for it? I would never desire for Riley Grace to
have to go through a painful experience. It hurts my heart to see her in pain.
God allowed and ordained for Jesus to go through pain. Why? For us. And who are
we? We are the “wretch” that the song is talking about! We are the sinners
whose sins held Christ on the cross. And we are the ones who gained from the
Father’s love and Jesus’ obedience. Why was all of it necessary? Because God’s
wrath upon our sin had to be appeased, and rather than punishing us, He made a
way for us to be reconciled to Him that involved placing the punishment on HIS
SON. He allowed Jesus to endure so much humiliation and shame, even when Jesus
asked if there was another way. The Father answered that there was no other
way, and so Jesus was obedient to death on a cross. Why? Because He treasures
each one of us! Jesus felt extreme pain, but the Father also endured pain as he
allowed Jesus to endure all of the pain. Think about how much the Lord must
love us in order for all of the pain to be worth it. To God, we were (and are)
worth the pain and suffering.
we go about our day wrapped up in all of our daily tasks, it’s easy to forget
the magnitude of the love of God. The devil loves for us to be too busy to
notice God. Busyness (even busy with good things) keeps our focus on the tasks
at hand instead of on having an eternal perspective. When we’re busy, we don’t
stop to stand in awe of God’s creation. When we’ve heard the story of the cross
a million times, we may not be overwhelmed by it anymore. BUT if we will take
the vital time to stop and think about His great love, it can take our breath
away. Hopefully, it overwhelms us and brings us to our knees in worship and
GOD OF THE UNIVERSE LOVES YOU! Don’t brush past that as a Sunday School
statement that you’ve heard a million times! It’s true, and it’s crazy! As my
own worst critic, I know that there are many unlovable things about me. I’m
sure you could say the same thing about yourself. But God loves you! You were
worth the pain of the cross! You were worth the pain of the Father having to
watch his Son endure the cross! Don’t waste your days and thoughts on busyness
and the worries and cares of this world without remembering to praise the One
who loves you so deeply. Have you experienced His love? Do you know that Jesus’
death on the cross was so that you could have true life? Do you believe in the
One who died to rescue you? I hope that you do!
1 John 3:1 – “See with what great love
the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”
Romans 5:8 – “But God demonstrates
his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”