Prayer: A Lifeline or an Afterthought
Prayer is a vital element of the Christian
life, and yet far too often, it’s placed on the back-burner of our everyday
lives. We remember to pray as sort of an afterthought when we’ve exhausted
other options of trying to sort through a certain situation by ourselves with
our own methods. I was contemplating prayer after I had a long and exhausting
day of being emotional and easily irritable for no real reason…oh
the joys of being a girl, huh? Everything that was happening was either
aggravating me or making me anxious. There was a certain work situation, a
particular conversation with my husband, an issue with Riley Grace, and on and
on and on. There was no big thing that was really the matter, but I had allowed
a lot of little things to pile up and overwhelm me. Throughout the course of
the day, I had not focused on prayer as I should. At the end of the day as I
was preparing for bed, I began to pray about my attitude. I prayed about the
situation at work and the conversation with my husband, which led to praying
for my husband as he pursues a degree and be obedient to God’s calling on his
life as a teacher and minister. Then, I started praying for Riley Grace, that
she would grow up to know God intimately. Then, I started praying about jobs.
Then, I started praying about our church. After praying for the duration of my
shower, I realized that there are SO MANY THINGS to pray about! Prayer is so
important, and all too often, it is an afterthought because I’m busy doing too
many other “important” things. I have to go to work. I have to get Riley Grace
ready for school. The clothes have to get washed. Supper has to get cooked. The
house needs to be cleaned. Riley Grace’s bag needs to be packed for the next
day. And the list continues. But when I stopped to think about my never-ending
to-do list, I realized, NONE of these things is more important than quality
time with the Lord, and NONE of these things – or anything else –
will be done effectively if I’m not covering each thing in prayer. Sometimes, I
have a hard time feeling like prayer is productive because I’m not physically
doing something. I don’t immediately see the results. Because of the tendency
in my personality to be task-oriented and desire visual results, I often neglect
praying for an extended period of time (that’s one of the reasons prayer is
neglected, but not the sole reason).
Maybe you can relate with me, in the fact that
prayer is oftentimes an afterthought. Maybe you can relate in the fact that you
like control, and so you attempt to solve the issue before going to God. Maybe
you can relate in the fact that you feel overwhelmed at times, but can’t seem
to spend the quality time in prayer because you see too many other tasks that
need to get done –
and you’re the one who has to do them! Maybe you can relate in the fact that
prayer doesn’t give immediate visual results, so it’s hard to feel like it’s
productive time well spent. Maybe you can relate in the fact that your prayer
list extends for miles so you don’t even know where to start! Or maybe you
relate in the fact that many times, you just don’t feel worthy to come before
the Lord with requests that you think may seem trivial or unimportant to an
omnipotent and all-sovereign God. Well, you’re not alone in your feelings. And
you’re not without hope. (Side note: That’s one of my FAVORITE things about the
Christian life. If you are IN CHRIST, you are NEVER WITHOUT HOPE, no matter the
situation. So in this situation, when we need strength, discipline, motivation,
and stamina for long, heartfelt, meaningful, and righteous prayers, HE can
enable us to be devoted to this very thing!)
Let’s read James 5:16b in several different versions, and then discuss. J
“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful
and effective.”
(New International Version)
“The prayer of a righteous person has great
power as it is working.” (English Standard Version)
“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has
great power and produces wonderful results.” (New Living Translation)
“The effective prayer of a righteous man can
accomplish much.” (New American Standard Bible)
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man availeth much.” (King James Bible)
“The urgent request of a
righteous person is very powerful in its effect.” (Holman Christian Standard
whom are the prayers directed?
When we pray, we are communicating with God.
That statement seems very simplistic, but let’s think about who God really is.
God is the Creator of the universe who desires intimate communication with His
creation –
us! God is the Good Shepherd, who desires to guide us into paths of
righteousness for His namesake. God is the Good Teacher, who has set an example
in Christ for us to follow. God is the Comforter, who longs for us to run to
Him in times of need and pain. God is the Righteous Judge, who cannot look on
sin and allow for it to go unpunished. God is the Redeemer, who has provided a
way in Christ for us to be forgiven for our transgressions. God is our Father,
who loves us unconditionally and disciplines us lovingly.
When we think of all God is, and the former
list does not even begin to convey all that God is to us, our next thought
might be, “Who am I that I can come before the Lord and communicate with him?”
That thought would be appropriate in light of His majesty. The beautiful thing
is: God –
even though is completely holy, righteous, sovereign, and ruler over all things
desires to communicate with us. He
longs to hear from us, not because He needs us, but because He knows that we
need Him. What a loving God we have!! He calls us and pursues us because He
knows that He is our lifeline. He has gone through the most painful and drastic
measure of allowing His son to be sacrificed so shamefully and painfully so
that we could enter into a right relationship with Him. THIS is the God that
we serve, and THIS is the God to whom we are praying. Yes, we are
undeserving, but He has made a way for us to come before His throne. When
you pray, do not take it lightly that you are communicating with the God of the
universe. Fall humbly before His feet and remember what an honor it is to
be allowed into His presence. Remembering WHO God is will help us to have a
proper perspective when we approach Him in prayer. He is worthy of our
is doing the praying?
What I mean by this question is, what is the
heart condition of the person who is praying – which would by
you?! In taking a look at James 5:16b, we see that the adjective “righteous”
is used to describe the person who is praying. Righteous is defined as
“morally right, justifiable, virtuous”. We cannot be righteous from our own
doing or own merit. We are by nature sinners and enemies of the Father.
However, the good news is that He provided a way for us to be right with Him.
Although we can be right with Him once and for all because Jesus’ sacrifice
paid our sin-debt, we also have to continually pursue righteous living. A
person who is seeking to live in a way that honors the Lord is a person whose
prayer will have this effect (as noted in the translations listed above of
James 5:16b): “powerful and effective” / “great power as it is working” /
“great power and produces wonderful results” / “can accomplish much”. Do you
want your prayers to accomplish much? Do you want them to be powerful and
effective as they are working toward wonderful results? Then, we must ask the
question: Are you living a righteous life from which these kind of powerful prayers
will flow as an overflow of your passion for the Lord? If we are not living
lives that are righteous and pleasing to the Father, then we cannot expect for
our prayers to be answered. In reality, if we are not living righteous lives,
then it’s very likely that our prayers are selfish instead of God-honoring, and
God does not honor selfish prayers. He honors prayers that are in alignment
with His Kingdom purposes. Be encouraged to live a righteous life so that
you can pray prayers that are in alignment with His will because you are close
enough to Him to know His will!
priority does prayer receive?
Think of things that you earnestly desire. Think of an urgent situation that you recently encountered. Does prayer fit with the terms "urgent" and "earnest" in your own personal prayer life? Is there an earnest and urgent desire in your heart to be
devoted to this kind of fervent prayer? Is prayer the lifeline that you count
on in all seasons of life and at all moments throughout the day, whether
stressful or joyful? Do you set aside quality and quantity time daily for
focused and uninterrupted prayer, even if that means rising before the rest of
your family and staying up after they are tucked in? Do you believe in its
power and necessity? Do you understand the power that is held in righteous
praying that can lead to the kind of Kingdom results that can change lives? These questions are in no way meant to incur
guilt, but rather to revitalize your perspective on the vitality and privilege
of prayer. Let’s get to praying like we believe it will make a
is the subject/goal of the prayer? In other words, does the purpose of the
request point to God’s glory or your own comfort?
This point is simple, short, and sweet, and is
connected with the heart condition of the prayer. If you are seeking
righteousness and if you are deep into your study of God’s Word, then you will
pray prayers that are in alignment with His Word and His will. In that case,
the subject and goal of any prayer you pray will be for God’s glory. If you are
living selfishly with no thought of God’s will, then your prayers will be more
inclined to have selfish motives, which God won’t honor. This is not to say
that is wrong to pray for yourself. However, if you are praying for yourself so
that you can receive honor, praise, unnecessary worldly comforts, prestige, or
anything other than what God wants for you, then your prayers might be coming
from a heart that is focused on your own glory instead of the Lord’s.
I don’t know about you, but I desire for my
prayers to be powerful and effective – not for my own
glory, but so that God’s Kingdom can be advanced. I want to be a prayer soldier
for the things that God wants us to fight for. I want to be a prayer warrior
for the things that I have been entrusted with: my husband, my daughter, my
family, my church, etc. I want to be found faithful in the Kingdom work, and
Kingdom work is PRAYER. I don’t want to be busy with things that don’t have
eternal value. I want to remember that I am not a citizen of this country, but
of a heavenly one, and as such, I need to be focused on God’s Kingdom-agenda as
I plead with Him in prayer for His will to be on earth as it is in Heaven!
1. Evaluate your time.
Are you spending time in prayer? Are you spending quality time in prayer? Are
you spending quantity time in prayer? What things need to take a backseat in
order for prayer to receive the priority that it needs? What things are
time-wasters that should be eliminated? How can your daily schedule be altered
so that you can focus intently on prayer?
2. Evaluate your motives.
What are the motives in your heart and mind when you offer your requests? Are
you looking for results that would glorify you or glorify the Lord? Do you
desire for the Lord’s will to be done or your will?
3. Evaluate your requests.
Make a list of things, people, events, situations, etc. that are dear to your
heart. Make a plan to pray for each of these categories at different times
throughout the week. Thank the Lord that He has given you so many opportunities
to reach and touch so many people and situations, and as you’re praying, pray
that He’ll use you in each of these areas!
Commit to a specific time in order to pray for your organized lists. Make a
plan and stick to it. Commit to carrying out your prayer time for the duration
of month. Pray that the Lord will allow this habit to stick because after a
month of quality and quantity time, you will wake up desiring this precious
time with your Father! He is worthy! His work is important! And it’s time for
us to stop wasting time with other “important” things and make a commitment to
our prayers come from an earnest and righteous heart.
we be fully devoted to this sacred, honorable, and vital task.
we be found faithful with the task that we’ve been given.
we be mighty prayer warriors for the glory of God!
Always, Jacquelyn