Walking Toward the Waves: How Deep is Your Pursuit of God?
“Why must we give
ourselves fully to God? Because God has given Himself to us. If God who owes
nothing to us is ready to impart to us no less than Himself, shall we answer
with just a fraction of ourselves? To give ourselves fully to God is a means of
receiving God Himself. I for God and God for me. I live for God and give up my
own self… Therefore to possess God we must allow Him to possess our
soul.” Mother Teresa
Teresa – Come Be My Light by
Brian kolodiejchuk, p. 29)
quote above is from Mother Teresa before she embarked upon her mission to serve
the poor of Calcutta, India. She spent many years in solitude so that she could
pray and seek the Lord for His next task for her. Mother Teresa’s love,
passion, and desire for her Lord motivated everything she did. She grasped what
it meant to give herself fully to God. In her pursuit of Him, she realized that
it was foolish to give him a “fraction of ourselves” when He has given us His
whole self AND He doesn’t even owe us anything! We are forever indebted to Him
and His sacrifice, and yet still, we withhold ourselves from Him because we are
too busy seeking after worldly things. How foolish this is and how saddening it
must be to our Lord!
you seeking the Lord whole-heartedly, or have you merely offered Him a fraction
of yourself?
you given yourself to Him the way that He has given Himself for us?
you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
you grown comfortable with the story of the cross, or does it continue to amaze
you and press you further into your relationship with God?
there ways that you have become complacent, apathetic, or indifferent to the
there ways that He is calling you to go deeper?
REMEMBER: Take time to
remember the cross! Jesus’ sacrifice was immensely painful, horrifyingly shameful,
acutely obedient, and incomprehensibly loving. God, through the sacrifice of
His only Son, gave Himself fully to us. Ultimately, the sacrifice satisfied His
wrath against our sin, but it also remarkably provided a way for people to be
reconciled to our Creator. Remember that this Creator, this Savior, this King
is the One who calls to YOU personally. Don’t settle for filthy rags and
earthly riches when you can have Jesus, the precious sacrifice that was given
for sinners like you and me!
PRAISE: Praise the Lord for
the cross! Take time to thank Him for providing a way of redemption. Thank Him
for giving Himself fully to you and allowing you to give yourself fully to Him.
Praise Him that He will enable you to seek after Him in the way in which He has
called, and that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion
in the day of Christ Jesus.
READ: Reread Mother
Teresa’s quote. Read Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 9:23-27, and Titus 3:3-7. How does
Jesus describe earthly things vs. heavenly things? How does He talk about the
way that we should seek Him daily? What is our reminder in Titus about who we
were before Christ redeemed us? How should these verses impact us and challenge
us to seek Him with a fire that cannot be quenched and a passion that cannot be
stifled by worldly distractions?
PRAY: Pray over Psalm
139:23-24. Ask the Lord to purify your heart, sanctify your mind, forgive you
of your neglect, and empower you to seek him with steadfast devotion. Ask Him
to protect you against the schemes of the enemy and worldly pleasures that will
eventually burn up.
lose heart about your current state of pursuit. Whether your toes are barely
wet, you’re walking in faith toward the waves, or you’re already fully
submerged, the Lord can and will meet you just as you are! He offers forgiveness,
reconciliation, hope, and strength to persevere and go deeper with Him than you
currently are. Remember that HE is your ROCK, SAVIOR, CREATOR, KING, and
prayer for you is that your love and desire for the Lord will deepen drastically
each time you open the pages of your Bible, speak tender and honest words in
prayer, and worship Him with your life. My prayer is that you will not grow
weary, complacent, apathetic, or indifferent to your Creator, but that you will
forever be in awe of His grand power and personal presence in your own life!
Let’s jump in with both feet and offer our whole self to Him!