12.19.17 // Expecting the Messiah: From Kings to the King of Kings
going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell
down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts,
gold and frankincense and myrrh.”
The wise men were expecting to encounter the Messiah. They
came prepared to worship Him. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and
myrrh. Costly gifts. Meaningful gifts. Heartfelt gifts. Personal gifts.
Sacrificial gifts. After falling down to worship Christ, they offered their
gifts to Him. The kings offering gifts to the King of Kings! I wonder how Mary
and Joseph were feeling when the kings arrived. They may have been filled with
awe when the wise men fell on the faces before the toddler Jesus. They may have
been filled with amazement at the precious gifts. Surely, they were encouraged
at yet another confirmation that this was indeed the Son of God, as God
continued to reveal this truth to other people. What an amazing God we serve!
I ponder the wise men’s precious gifts, I think about how our Father desires
for us to give Him gifts, too. The Lord desires for us to worship Him with our
whole lives – our heart, mind, soul,
and strength. That is the greatest gift we could give Him. He commands it in
Scripture because He knows that a) He deserves it, and b) we will greatly
benefit from serving Him with our whole lives. Growing closer to the Lord is
such a blessing, but many times, we just don’t pursue Him. When we neglect to
do so, we miss out on so much. Giving the Lord our time, money, gifts,
resources (which by the way, all belong to Him anyways) can be costly,
sacrificial, personal, and difficult, but it is worth it! Whatever He has given
us is a blessing that He has called for us to steward well for the purpose of
bring Him glory, not just bringing ourselves comfort an pleasure… Ouch!
Luke 10:27
he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your strength and
with all your mind, and your neighbor as
about the wise men’s gifts. They literally travelled for 100s of miles in
search of a baby! They carried their belongings and gifts and endured harsh
travel conditions all because they were seeking to worship the King of Kings.
They didn’t have a map. They didn’t have a GPS. They didn’t even know exactly
where they were going. All they knew is that they believed that the prophecy was
being fulfilled at that time, and they wanted to worship! This trip took lots
of time, and after they saw Jesus, then they would have to make the long
journey again. But, it was worth it!
sacrifice the Lord is calling you to make, whatever gift He is asking you to
use for His glory, however He’s asking you to use your time, money, gifts, and
resources, obey Him. Seek Him. Trust Him. It is worth it. Yes, it’s costly.
Yes, it’s painful sometimes. Yes, He may be calling you to step out into
uncharted waters, just like the wise men who travelled on in faith. But the
Lord is faithful to give you the strength to do what He calls you to do. You
just have to take the first steps in obedience! The pursuit of God is worth it!
This Christmas season, pursue Him alone. Beg Him to move in your life, and
offer your life to Him as a living sacrifice to use for His glory!
appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your
bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your
spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect.”