I Won't Build a Tower
Grace’s favorite Bible story at the moment is the “Tower of Babel.” It seems
like a peculiar choice, but she loves it! In this story, the people were trying
to build a really tall tower because they wanted to reach heaven. Successfully
building this tower would display their power and dominance on the earth. The
Lord did not intend for their ventures to be successful. He was not pleased
with their tower and the heart behind its construction. Therefore, He confused
their speech so that they could no longer communicate with each other. Their
tower was not completed because the Lord stopped their efforts. While we read
the story each night, Riley Grace explains that God didn’t want them to build
it, but they did anyway. Every night at the end of the story, she says, “Well, I
won’t build a tower.”
the story, Riley Grace concluded that building a tower was displeasing to God,
and therefore, she decided that she would never build a tower because God
didn’t want them to build a tower. What a sweet heart and simple thought!
that obedience to the Lord would be this black and white!
than adopt this mindset behind obedience, I find myself oftentimes trying to
see just how close I can get to the line of obedience/disobedience rather that
making a clear-cut decision to do what it takes to please the Lord. In Riley
Grace’s childlike perspective, building a tower was wrong. Therefore, she
wasn’t gonna do it. Black and white. End of story. How often is that my perspective?
X is displeasing to God; therefore, I’m not going to participate in X. God is
pleased in X, Y, and Z; therefore, I will do X, Y, and Z. Period.
What things
hinder this clear-cut perspective of obedience in our lives?
A cloudy line of which
behaviors are pleasing/displeasing to the Lord What has made the line cloudy?
How has our vision been blurred?
Cultural influences on the practice of Christianity: Our culture has
negatively impacted how we interpret Scripture and practice Christianity. So,
at the risk on stepping on a few toes (don’t worry, my toes are already bruised
at this point!), I’ll name a few examples of how our culture has affected our
practice of Christianity.
Culture says
this movie is rated PG-13, so it must be acceptable to watch if it’s considered
appropriate for preteens. Culture says that these songs are harmless; the curse
words have even been blotted out. However, the profanity, innuendos, and “love”
aka lust scenes in no way honor the Lord or reflect the Christian life. But, we
watch it anyways. We listen to it anyways. Line
occasionally use profanity, and it’s no big deal. You aren’t meaning to be
vulgar; it’s just habit. It just flows with the conversation. You don’t want to
make it obvious that you’re refraining from it in front of your friends. Is it
really that bad? But, is profane speech honoring to the Lord? Yes or no? Line blurred.
You aren’t
intending to gossip about this situation, but you havvvvee to tell someone. So
it’s not gossip; it’s a prayer request! Come on, now, we all know that trick… Line blurred.
In your
desire to look and feel attractive, the clothes you wear might just be a little
too tight or a little too revealing. But surely it’s ok to feel good about
yourself, even if the V is a little deep. And isn’t it a guy’s responsibility
to “keep his mind out of the gutter” even if your cleavage is “hanging out”… And plus, you can’t find
anything these days that’s actually modest! Really, nothing?? Line blurred.
You and your
fiancé are in love and will be
married soon. The physical lines that have been crossed would have been crossed
really soon anyways, so you go for it. Remaining pure until marriage is old
school. Come on, we see sex in basically every movie and sitcom these days. (But
that doesn’t make it ok!) Line blurred.
Some friends
within my circle use alcohol to relax, and sometimes we take it to far. I know
that I should have self-control in this area, but I don’t need to be legalistic
about it, right? So, I continue in this behavior even though I’m not sure it’s
honoring to God. Line blurred.
Do you see how easy it is blur the lines because
our culture says these behaviors are ok? All too easy, I’m afraid. But, it’s not
ok. Disobeying because we’ve believed our culture rather than Scripture is
unacceptable and not an excuse for the sin in which we willingly engage. Ouch.
We have let our culture influence too many areas of our daily life. How we
respond along these blurred lines reveal our true character… Something to ponder.
Misinterpretation of Scripture: It’s very easy to put
our own spin on Scripture, especially if we don’t know the context behind why
the verse was written to its original audience. We may not mean to interpret it
wrongly, but if we take it out of the context in which the author meant for it,
then our interpretation will be wrong. It is our responsibility as Christians
to study the history behind the Scriptures so that we can learn the context and
therefore discern it’s proper application to our lives. Also, our world – TV, Internet, authors, local
churches – is full of false
teachers that misinterpret Scripture to fulfill their own agenda. We have to be
wary of these false teachers as well as our own misguided interpretations. Be a
student of the Word so that you can discern its true meaning and protect your
mind and heart against blurred lines and false interpretations.
Our hearts and minds being far from the Lord so we are unsure
of what the Word actually says about certain issues, behaviors, attitudes, etc.: If we are not
consistently in the Word, we won’t know what it says. That sounds like a “Duh!”
statement, but many times we just don’t know what is right because we aren’t
even reading God’s Word! That’s a simple fix; Dive into the Word, and stay there!
Soak it up. Guard your heart and mind against the blurry lines we’ve created
regarding what constitutes obedience/disobedience.
Our own attempts to
justify sinful behavior: We blame the culture. We blame other Christians. We blame
our circumstances. We blame our scars, this we’ve done and things that have
been done to us. We tell ourselves that the blurred lines are not bad. We lie
to ourselves in order to engage in the sin that gives us temporary pleasure.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly where the adversary wants us.
Our sinful desires waging
war in our minds and hearts: When we choose to act in a way that seeks to fulfill these
desires, then we are choosing these desires above the Lord. We don’t like to
admit that, but it’s true. In seeking these things above the Lord, we are
elevating ourselves…
§ Comfort
§ Success
§ Money
§ Fame
§ Acceptance
§ Security
§ Beauty
§ Pleasure
§ Power
§ Control
§ Etc.
of these things hinder our obedience to the Lord and cloud our minds to the
truth. The way to combat these things is turning our eyes to the Lord. If we
focus on the Lord, He can clarify these truths for us!
truth is:
demands obedience.
demands it because He loves us.
demands it because He knows that it will bring about our sanctification, which
is for our good and His glory.
gives us His Word, which shows us how to live obediently and discern what is
truth verses lies. We just have to open it and begin reading!
gives us His Holy Spirit, which empowers us to choose obedience even in the
face of worldly pressures.
obedience might be more difficult in the face of strong temptation, but it is
much more rewarding than the fleeting pleasure of sinful choices.
the truth, and the truth will bring freedom!
READ: Galatians 5 has one
major theme: walking in freedom through the Holy Spirit. Freedom from sin is
what we struggle for while we are still in our earthly home. Thank the Lord
that this home is a temporary one! The Lord promises that even in our earthly
existence, we can have freedom. Take the time to read Galatians 5 today. It is
rich with encouraging promises that will challenge us to live a life that is
pleasing to our Loving Father!
STUDY: How many times to
we long to walk in the Spirit, but instead find ourselves lured back into the
temptations that so easily entangle us? It’s frustrating and even depressing at
times. However, we don’t have to live in that defeat! Galatians 5:16 explains
it clearly: “But I say, ‘Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the
desires of the flesh.” That seems pretty straightforward. If you walk by the
Spirit, then you won’t succumb to sinful fleshly desires. I want that kind of
freedom from sin! I challenge you to study other passages that explain how to
walk in the Spirit. Begin with Galatians 5, Romans 7-8, and Ephesians 4:17-32.
EVALUATE: Evaluate your life
through the light of His Word in Psalm 139:23-24. Ask Him to search your heart,
but ready your mind and heart for tough answers. Even though it is painful to face your sin, it is necessary in the process of sanctification. The Lord is just
and mighty and sovereign, but He is also gentle and loving and forgiving. Rest
in that as you walk with Him!
PRAY: Begin with praising
the Lord for His promises. Praise Him that He promises to equip you and empower
you to live in the obedience to which He’s called you. Praise Him for desiring
for you to live a full life in Christ and for making a way for that to happen.
Ask the Lord to give you His mindset toward sin. Ask Him to forgive you for the
blurred lines to which you’ve become accustomed. Ask Him to show you specific
areas where you have compromised. Ask Him to give you specific Scriptures to
pray over your life. Ask Him for accountability. Ask Him for a great desire to
please Him. He will answer you!
pray that the Lord will gently, but firmly convict and challenge you to be
obedient. I pray that He will give you the strength, passion, and discipline to
be obedient even when it’s hard, and it will be hard. I pray that you will have
the resolve to choose Christ over every worldly “pleasure,” even when those
around you are choosing to follow the world. I pray that your eyes will be
opened and the lines will become clear, even when culture and personal
temptations try to blur the line between obedience and disobedience. And rather
than trying to inch up to that line, I pray that we will have a strong desire
to cling to what is good and hate what is evil. I pray that sin will be as
disgusting to us as it is to the Lord. I pray that you will resolve “not to
build a tower,” so to speak – meaning whatever
temptation or blurred line is difficult for you, you will run from it and run
to the Lord because He is the only one who can empower you to desire obedience!
Run to Him and His Word! He is waiting to meet you and give you His heart!