What Bruises and Facebook Have in Common
Two rather
unpleasant things have come to my attention lately. One has to do with bruises,
and this revelation came through my husband. The other has to do with Facebook,
and this revelation came through my daughter. After explaining, I bet you can
relate to one or both of these unpleasant realizations.
I’ve noticed that I always have bruised knees. I kept trying to think what I
did to acquire these bruises. Then, I remembered that I am a pre-k teacher and
am always on my knees setting up a learning center or reading a story or
cleaning up an accident. The latest bruise is from a dump truck that came
flying down the hill at me when I was tying someone’s shoe. I used to be proud
of my bruises because I thought it meant that I was tough (and I rarely have
cool, discolored bruises because I don’t do things that could possibly cause
bodily harm because I am a chicken!) I don’t bruise easily, so when I do have a
bruise, it must mean something painful happened. Now, I’m not so proud of
bruises because I am more aware now that they contrast far to noticeably
against my year-round glowing white skin… My sister, Jessica, does bruise
easily. She actually has huge bruises most of the time. The funny thing is, she
doesn’t know where most of them come from! She thinks maybe from cutting
corners to quickly and running into the counter or just chasing around her five
kiddos. J (Love you, Jess!)
Physically, I
don’t bruise easily. Emotionally, I bruise wayyyyyy too easily. The other
night, Patrick and I were talking about something (I don’t even remember the
topic), and he said something that put me a little “off.” I honestly have no
clue what it was, but whatever it was, it offended me. So from that second, my
entire demeanor changed. I stopped contributing to the conversation. I started
giving flat, one-word answers. He looked up at me, and said, “So, that offended you??” As soon as he said
it, I tried to act like I didn’t have a bad attitude, but truthfully, yes, the
minor statement that he said (that obviously wasn’t that important because I
can’t even tell you the topic of the conversation!) offended me. This small
incident showed me that I am too easily offended. Being easily offended is a
sign of pride because it shows that my attitude was along the lines of, “How dare he say that to me in that way? I’m offended now, and I’ll show him. I’ll start pouting! Hmmph!” Wow, how many
preschoolers live in my home??? I don’t want to be easily offended by people,
but many times, I am. I get my feelings hurt too easily and my body language
changes immediately. (I know my parents have seen lots of this in my teen
years… Dad, can you testify to this?? J) So this “emotional bruising” was the first unpleasant
thing that has resurfaced recently.
The second
unpleasant realization came when Riley Grace was taking a bath the other night.
I was in the bathroom and had picked up my phone to check either Facebook or my
email while she was playing the tub. She was talking to me the whole time about
the game she was playing with her bath puppets and I was responding to her
while still focused on my phone. Finally, she said, “Mama, stop looking at your
phone. Look at me!” I was immediately convicted. I do NOT want her memories of
her mama to be of me glued to a screen instead of looking her in the face and
giving her my attention. I want to give my attention to the important
relationships in my life, not my email or my Facebook “friends,” all of which
can wait until Riley Grace is in bed. I don’t want her to remember or learn
this behavior about me, and I certainly don’t want her to learn this behavior
from me. When she’s old enough to have a phone, I know as a mom, I’m not going
to want her to be on her phone 24/7, looking at her phone while she’s
responding to me about something. I’m going to want her full attention. I don’t
want her to be disrespectful. I don’t want her to be distracted. I don’t want
her to be rude. But if I am glued to my phone and act those ways toward her because
I think, “She’s playing; she won’t notice,” then I’m wrong about that. She will
notice. She has noticed. And she will
learn that it’s the norm if I don’t guard against an addiction to electronics
at the expense of relationships with my family and being “in the moment” with
them. Talk about convicting!
Besides the
fact that these realizations were not “fun” to have, I am thankful that the
Lord uses the ones I love to reveal things about me that need to change so that
I can look more like Him and love my family more. I don’t want to be offended
every time Patrick and I have a conversation. I don’t want Riley Grace to have
to ask me to stop looking at my phone. I want to be present and loving and full
of grace and humility in my relationships with them. Even things that seem
harmless, like my phone, or things that may seem justifiable, like being
offended if Patrick said something that hurt my feelings, are not ok. We need
to notice those things about ourselves, and rather than trying to hide them or
excuse them, we need to ask God to help us change the things that don’t look
like Him, don’t point others to Christ, or don’t make others feel loved. As
believers, we don’t want to settle into those bad habits. They aren’t harmless
things, even if they seem minor. If the habits/attitudes/actions don’t point
others to Christ, then they need to go!
- READ/STUDY: I encourage you to read all of
Colossians 3. This passage talks about setting your mind on things above, where
Christ is seated, not on earthly things. Paul explains things that we should
“put off” and things that we should “put on” so that we can be clothed in
Christ rather than in clothed in things/attitudes of this world. Also, read and
pray through Psalm 139:23-24, asking the Lord to search your heart and reveal
these sinful areas to you.
- EVALUATE: Read these verses closely and
carefully. Don’t rush! What worldly things do you need to “put off,” and what
godly things do you need to “put on” in order to have more fruitful and loving
- PRAY: Ask the Lord to reveal to you what
areas of your life are hindering your relationships with others. These
revelations may be painful or embarrassing (I certainly was embarrassed and
taken aback when Riley Grace asked me to stop looking at my phone and look at
her!), but it will be worth it in the long run for these issues to come into
the light so that you can confront them and move forward in more
Christ-centered relationships! Ask the Lord to help you make changes in these
areas so that you can look more like Christ each day and better love the people
that He’s placed in your life.
So, what do bruises
and Facebook have in common?... Well, in my life, they reveal areas of my heart
that are sinful and need the Lord to change. They reveal things that hinder
meaningful relationships with my family because I'm focusing on myself rather than focusing on my loved ones.
What about you? Do
you bruise easily (on the inside)? Do you need to put down your phone? Or is
there something else in your life that the Lord is revealing to you that you
need to change in order to look more like Christ? Don’t beat yourself up about
those things, but don’t ignore them either. Instead of shoving them under the
rug, confront them! I know that I will be more blessed by spending time
involved in Riley Grace’s bath puppet game rather than scrolling through
pictures of people I don’t even know on Facebook. I will be more blessed by
continuing on in my conversation with Patrick so that we can grow together
instead of becoming immediately offended at something, and thus ending any hope
of a productive conversation. Friends, we will be blessed (even if it hurts at
first) by confronting these areas with the Lord’s grace and strength! Ask Him to
gently reveal these things to you, and help you to be free from them so you can
look more like His child!
Always, Jacquelyn