Prayer: A Lifeline or an Afterthought
Prayer is a vital element of the Christian life, and yet far too often, it’s placed on the back-burner of our everyday lives. We remember to pray as sort of an afterthought when we’ve exhausted other options of trying to sort through a certain situation by ourselves with our own methods. I was contemplating prayer after I had a long and exhausting day of being emotional and easily irritable for no real reason … oh the joys of being a girl, huh? Everything that was happening was either aggravating me or making me anxious. There was a certain work situation, a particular conversation with my husband, an issue with Riley Grace, and on and on and on. There was no big thing that was really the matter, but I had allowed a lot of little things to pile up and overwhelm me. Throughout the course of the day, I had not focused on prayer as I should. At the end of the day as I was preparing for bed, I began to pray about my attitude. I prayed about the situation at work and the conversation with ...