Lent: Purposeful Prayer for the Lost

As Lent draws near, the Lord keeps prompting me to consider how to use this season for more than just drawing near to Him and strengthening my walk and desire for Him. While those reasons are wonderful and vital for my spiritual growth and maturity, I'm challenged to use this time to focus on others as well. In the midst of considering how to prepare and fast for Lent, I came across a wonderful Lent resource from one of my favorite Christian writers and bloggers, Valerie Woerner from Val Marie Paper. She created a Lent resource called Undone, and the introduction of that article focuses our attention on Lent not being about us. I'm so excited to use her resource, as the topic is exactly what God has been showing me! She challenges believers to focus this season on how we can be salt and light to the unbelievers around us, praying for them and speaking the Gospel to them.

Here are some steps I am taking in order to focus on the salvation of my unbelieving family and friends, as well as those I don't know, during the Lent season.

1.  Make a list of ALL of the unbelievers you know. You may be the only person praying for them. I know that sounds so cliche, but it may be true. Your prayers could be the catalyst toward these people hearing and responding to the Gospel! What a high privilege and calling!

2.   Commit to praying the following scripture-based prayer for them each day for the Lent season (see prayer below). I wanted to craft a prayer that was intentional in using scripture to pray exactly what God promises for the lost. Praying God's Word can be so powerful. His Word is living and active, and it does not return void. 

3.  Choose some of the scriptures listed below to meditate on as you pray. 

4.  Post these scriptures around your house, car, etc. as a reminder to pray for the lost around you. 

5.  Finally, pray that the Lord will use you to not only pray, but speak the name of Jesus to lost people around you. Ask for boldness, courage, and a passion for the lost and for Jesus. He will give you those things because it is His will for believers to be obedient to the Great Commission! 


I plead with you to bring salvation to the lost - the dear ones I know and the billions I don't know. 

 - Acts 4:12 - For I know that there is no name under heaven given to man by which we are saved. 

 - Acts 2:37 - Bring conviction and cut them to the heart with the truth of Jesus. 

 - 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 - Bring forth the Gospel with Your Word, power, the Holy Spirit, and with conviction. 

 - Psalm 32:1 - Forgive their transgressions and cover their sins. 

 - Psalm 95:6 - Let them acknowledge that You are their Maker. 

 - Psalm 118:14 - Let them acknowledge that You are their Savior. 

 - Psalm 103 - Be merciful and gracious to them, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. 

 - Acts 17:27 - Stir in their soul a longing for You, and reveal to them that only You can satisfy the deepest longings of their heart. Show them that their identity is found in being Your creation and Your adopted child.

 - 1 John 1:5-9 - Bring them out of darkness and into Your glorious light, and may they confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that You raised Him from the dead. 

 - Colossians 2:8 - Reveal to them the emptiness of their idols, and convict their hearts of the truth of Jesus. 

 - Psalm 62:8 - May they find eternal hope and refuge in You. 

Thank you for providing the perfect sacrifice through which we may be saved. I beg You to bring salvation in mighty and miraculous ways. Put people into their lives to share Your grace, mercy, purpose, and truth with them. Prepare me to be a light to a lost and dark world around me. Give me eyes to see the reality of their eternity without You, and send me on mission daily! We desperately need You to move and bring abundant salvation in our communities, nation, and around the world! Only You can save. In Christ, and through His sacrifice, Amen.

May this Lent season be about bringing glory to the Father, depth to our souls, and salvation for the lost! 

Always, Jacquelyn


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