
Showing posts from December, 2024

12.22.17 // Expecting the Messiah: Scarlet and Snow

Ok, so I apologize in advance, but I’m going to begin with a gross analogy. My family recently moved to Iowa (written in 2017). My husband is studying at a university here, and we made our big move in August. The one thing I was most anxious about was winter. Yesterday was the first official day of winter. Coming from Louisiana, the first day of winter is not anything special. In fact, it may even be 80 degrees on December 21 in Louisiana! That’s not really Christmas-y, but it’s a fact for many southern states. However, the first day of winter is not really special in Iowa either because…it has been under 30 degrees for a month now! The cold weather begins in October! On Sunday, the wind chill was -33 and the high was -3! What?? That’s like 60 degrees colder than what Louisiana typically experiences. I was right to fear the winter. However, that cold weather brings something beautiful…snow! Something that this Louisiana girl has experienced about twice (before moving to Iowa!)...

12.21.17 // Expecting the Messiah: Surpassing Expectations

Let’s read the following verse together: Isaiah 55:9 "For as the heavens  are   higher  than the earth, so  are  my  ways   higher  than your  ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” This verse is one that should be hung on the wall of every room in our houses. It should be the first thing that we see in the morning. To continue on in the theme of humility that we discussed yesterday, let’s think about some aspects of the Christmas story that occurred in ways that we probably wouldn’t have planned ourselves: -     Choosing a teenage virgin to bear the Messiah -     Allowing the authorities to call for a census right in the middle of Mary’s pregnancy -     Planning for Jesus to be born in a stable -     Calling to lowly shepherds to visit Him -     Allowing Herod to attempt several evil plans to end Jesus’ life -     Coming to e...

12.20.17 // Expecting the Messiah: When God Became a Man

At Christmas time, we focus on the birth of Christ. We’ve already spent several days discussing the humble beginnings of Jesus’ earthly life. Let’s take a look at a prophecy written long before Jesus’ birth about what Jesus’ earthly life would look like. He started off with humble beginnings and continued on in humility with His death on the cross. Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 “Behold, my servant shall act wisely; he shall be high and lifted up, and shall be exalted. As many were astonished at you — his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind — so shall he sprinkle many nations. Kings shall shut their mouths because of him, for that which has not been told them they see, and that which they have not heard they understand. Who has believed what he has heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty th...

12.19.17 // Expecting the Messiah: From Kings to the King of Kings

Matthew 2:11 “And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.” The wise men were expecting to encounter the Messiah. They came prepared to worship Him. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Costly gifts. Meaningful gifts. Heartfelt gifts. Personal gifts. Sacrificial gifts. After falling down to worship Christ, they offered their gifts to Him. The kings offering gifts to the King of Kings! I wonder how Mary and Joseph were feeling when the kings arrived. They may have been filled with awe when the wise men fell on the faces before the toddler Jesus. They may have been filled with amazement at the precious gifts. Surely, they were encouraged at yet another confirmation that this was indeed the Son of God, as God continued to reveal this truth to other people. What an amazing God we serve! As I ponder the wise men’s prec...