Survival is not the GOAL, but neither is Perfectionism
Survival is not the goal, but neither is perfectionism; so what is the GOAL ?? Jumping right in…how it your time with the Lord? Today, what steps did you take to pursue a deeper relationship with God? How were you intentional with your time in order to know the Lord more intimately? Are you merely “surviving” in your time with God, or are you thriving? If you’re anything like me, having a meaningful and consistent daily time with the Lord can be very, very challenging. Here’s the “perfect storm” of my life when attempting to pursue my quiet time. - I’m a perfectionist. If I am going to have a quiet time, I want to have a plan. I want to achieve all of the steps of the plan. I want to see progress. For example, if I begin a particular Bible reading plan, I am devastated when I get off track. I beat myself up, and if I’m too far behind, I’ll just quit. With my perfectionism, I have an intense fear of failure. This personality trait ...